Seven men were ordained as deacons during ordination Masses celebrated by Bishop Peter Christensen on June 9 and June 11.
Photo at left Timothy Segert (left) and Nelson Cintra. Photo at right, from left, Tilio Perez, Scott Tverdy, Martin Knoelk, Bishop Peter Christensen, Eric Wassmuth, and Art Martinez. (Photos by Vero Gutierrez of the Idaho Catholic Register)
On June 9, Nelson Cintra and Timothy Segert were ordained to the transitional diaconate; on their way to ordination to the priesthood in one year.
On June 11, Bishop Peter ordained five men to the permanent diaconate. The men, their wives, and where they will serve are: Martin and Judy Knoelk, Sts. Peter and Paul, Grangeville; Art and Lorrie Martinez and Tilio and Amparo Martinez, both at Good Shepherd Parish based in Soda Springs; Scott and Teresa Tverdy, Immaculate Conception Parish in Buhl; and Eric and Alea Wassmuth, Tri-Parish Community, based in Cottonwood.
See the June 24 Idaho Catholic Register for more pictures and details.
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