Quick Information
for Certification
Below are links to the next steps for your certification. Click the topic that best describes your interest to view the content.
USCCB Promise to Protect BrochureThe lay National Review Board was established in 2002. Comprised of lay men and woman it collaborates with the USCCB in preventing sexual abuse of minors by persons in service of the Church. Its responsibilities include advising, consulting, and offering recommendations to the bishops in matters of child and youth protection.
Diocese of Boise BrochureIf you have questions, concerns or are unsure about making a complaint, please contact the Diocese of Boise, Director of Child, Youth and Adult Protection and Bryan Taylor, JCL, JD, PhD boisechancellor@rcdb.org Are You A Victim?
Credibly AccusedThe following clergy have had credible allegations of engaging in or perpetrating child sexual abuse while working in or associated with the Diocese of Boise since the 1950s. Credibly Accused
Diocesan Review BoardMembers of the Diocesan Review Board for Sexual Misconduct Chair and Co-Chair: Bryan Taylor boisechancellor@rcdb.org Board Members: Kathleen Curtis, LMSW Deacon Michael Eisenbeiss, PhD Scott Curtis, MSW Rev. Caleb Vogel cvogel2@rcdb.org Ex-Officio Members Stanley Welsh
Child Abuse Prevention ArticleThe Diocese works to educate both adults, and children in age appropriate ways, about the reality and danger of abuse in our society. We are continually seeking to improve our education methods and materials, which we must report to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) each year in an annual audit of diocesan Safe Environment programs around the country.
Resources for Parents
Grooming Behaviors
Advanced Sacraments
An overview of diverse expressions of both personal and communal spirituality in the Catholic Church and the exploration of the activities of the Holy Spirit in the Church and in the world.
Survey of the Old Testament
Survey of the New Testament
Church History
An overview of diverse expressions of both personal and communal spirituality in the Catholic Church and the exploration of the activities of the Holy Spirit in the Church and in the world.
Advanced Certification Morality and Ethics
Church History
Advanced Certification Survey of New Testament
Old Testament Advanced Certification Diocese of Boise
Ecclesiology with Kathy Barkdull
Trinity Advanced
Advanced Certification LIturgy
Sacraments for Advanced Certification Roman Catholic Diocese of Boise
Dayton Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation
Here are the courses at Dayton Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation. The following are courses that are applicable to the Diocese of Boise Certification courses: Catholic Beliefs, Christology, Introduction to Liturgy, Introduction to Scripture, Introduction to Christian Morality. Please contact the office of Religious Education and Catechetical Leadership to determine courses that are applicable to the Advanced Certification Program.
We are no longer a partner diocese with Dayton so the charge for these courses will now be $105 per five-week cycle. To register and for more information about this collaborative learning initiative please visit vlcff.udayton.edu . Once you have successfully completed a course through Dayton, please contact the Office of Religious Education and Catechetical Leadership for an honorarium of $55.00- the difference between partnership course cost and a non-partnered Diocese.
Melea Ulery
Director of RE & Catechetical Leadership